Donations can be made through our events Amy’s Ride/Run/Walk and Paint the Trail Purple, or through our everyday giving page located here: Donate to Help Fight Pancreatic Cancer.
Make check payable to: “Pan-Cure”
Send to:
PO Box 722
Quakertown, PA 18951
We are ALWAYS in need of, and grateful for volunteers to help us organize, run or staff our events. You don’t need any special skills for most of our volunteer positions….just the desire to help and be part of this worthy cause. We’re a welcoming and grateful group and you’ll feel comfortable and appreciated in no time.
If you’re interested in volunteering, click on the link to share your contact info and we’ll reach out to you. An example of some of our volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to:
Join us! Your participation and enthusiasm are what help fuel our events. Without you, none of this would be possible. Come out and have fun! Visit the event websites found on the Events page.